Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Monday, July 06, 2009

doctor update

"He just doesn't want to come yet!" is what my doctor said this morning. It was a disappointing appointment because I was sure since I've been having days of contractions that there would be some progress but I'm still stuck at 1cm waiting until my water breaks or the contractions become closer together. They wont induce until next week or I get to 3cm. But i have lost 4 lbs since wednesday. That surprised me since I just seem to get bigger and bigger. I also brought Colin with me since I was sure I wasn't going to be at this appointment and he is usually so good but this time was cute for maybe 10 minutes. Then we had a melt down over the fact that the nurses didn't give him a lollipop when he came in (he usually gets one and it lasts the whole time and they were out of them this time) After we got over that which thankfully didn't last long, he announced to the whole waiting room "i hafa big poop coming!" And then kept asking me to go home and then come back later. But we made it through and after the doctor said the baby doesnt want to come he got close to my tummy and said "Baby joel why you no come - come out now!" He has been a little put off by the baby since then. Especially since Colin keeps reminding me that once baby joel comes out I will be able to go down the slide with him at the playground and now he has to wait even longer. I have a nonstress test thursday and then we'll just go from there. Colin's labor was so much easier even with all that happened after he was born since I only had one day of contractions and labor. (and he was a week early) But it could still happen at any time. And will in the next week or so I think. You would think waiting a few days after waiting 9 months would be easy but its almost harder at this point to be patient. So now we wait until my water beaks or my contractions get closer together. Thanks for all the calls and messages. We will keep you posted.


Bringing Up Boys said...

Praying that labor and delivery goes well, and that you don't have to wait much longer for baby Joel to arrive!

Jen said...

so i've been checking this every day....hope you have a baby in your arms!

Sarah said...

Jen - Joel is here! Born yesterday! I'm sure they will update soon

Julie said...

I am praying for you.... I haven't been on internet for a few days and thought that I would check to see if the baby is here... praying for you!!!

Oh I just read what Sarah posted about Joel being here....YEAH!!!! HUGS to you all!!!

Nystral Djo said...

hey, just thinking about you today. know you must be SUPER antsy if you're not already at the hospital having the baby. both my kids were 8 days late, so i know how you feel at the end! praying for you to stay comfortable and if possible to be physically able to enjoy these last few days alone with your son before your worlds are turned upside down ;)