Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Goodbye house

Right  now the only thing in our house is random stuff that needs boxed, a few kitchen things, clothes and some odds and ins. And a sofabed couch. We will be camping out in a way the next week until school ends. 
We are closing on this house next Friday and continue to be homeless.
These were the listing photos of our house and it's been fun to see how much this house has changed the last seven years. 
Can't wait to start decorating another house....just wish I knew which one that was. We've made 4 offers on 4 different houses and haven't gotten any of them. 

It's not going to be the summer any of us planned but hoping and praying we can find a house and get settled soon. 

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Lollipop store

In the midst of packing up the boys closet I found a stash of lollipops Colin had been storing from school. 
Colin isn't a candy or sweets person so candy for him stays around forever. 

Joel and Norah love sweets. 

Colin capitalized on that and told Norah that he'd give her a lollipop if she cleaned his room. She very happily cleaned his entire room while Colin sat back and watched.

The next day after school Colin came home and announced that the lollipop shop was open for business. This time he had Joel agreeing to not leave dirty clothes all around the room in exchange for a lollipop. (Colin loves things neat and tidy and in it's place) Joel agreed and when he threw off his clothes before bedtime Colin reminded him of the agreement they had. 

I told Colin I would keep his lollipop supply fully stocked from now on.