Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Friday, July 31, 2009


This morning I loaded up the boys and we ventured out to Pungo to go blueberry picking. Colin loves blueberries and keeps asking when we're going to the farm to pick them. He remembers picking them last year at my grandparents farm. And since we weren't getting to the farm anytime soon I was excited to read in the paper about this blueberry farm not far from our house. I had only been out of the house one other time this week (5 minutes away to go grocery shopping) and that was a success so I figured we'd try it. Both boys were perfect. Colin loved it. Joel slept in the carrier the whole time. None of the blueberries that Colin picked ended up home with us. On our way to go pay for them I looked in Colin's basket and he had eaten them all. So we went to another part of the farm and loaded up his basket with blackberries. (Colin's favorite part was finding a HUGE spider. He made me take a picture of it. He wanted to bring it home with us but I convinced him the spider liked blackberries and wanted to stay there) Its been easy taking both boys places since Joel can't move yet and I know once he becomes mobile it'll all change but its been a breeze so far and Colin has been a big help. It'll be fun to start venturing out more and more these next few weeks. Eating blueberriesLooking for the biggest ones. We came home and made a blueberry pie. YUM!And we had to include more pictures of this cutie. This is a typical Joel face as he studies someone.Sleeping babies are so precious. He actually grabbed this blanket until it was up close to him. Not sure if it was on purpose but still so cute The baby whisperer? Perhaps. Joel was crying and Brent tried everything to calm him down when Colin said "let me hold him." Brent said ok but he's going to cry and Colin sang to him and Joel instantly fell asleep. What a proud big brother.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Colin is a soothing person to be around :) poor black eye! Also you're looking good! it's only been 3 weeks and you look much skinnier. i hope you take that as a compliment. I'm still going to beat you this time in november for the 8k