Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Easter Fun

It has been a lot of fun celebrating Easter this year with Colin.  We have made Resurrection Eggs which he loves to play with and tell the Easter Story.  We dyed easter eggs and also had a "Last Supper." Since he was so facinated about the Last Supper, on thursday night we ate bread and drank grape juice and talked about the significance of it all.  Colin really got it and asked so many great questions.  He thinks it is really cool that Jesus didnt stay dead but that he is now alive and is in heaven building him a huge house.  Jesus has super hero powers.  (Although he is also really into transformers and he informed us that he can't ask Jesus to save him from bad guys... Jesus is building him a house in heaven, when he's not in Colins heart... transformers will transform and save him) But in this house Ant Ant will live with us.  He always mentions that part :) Colin is also very into his "inside your body" books and is very concerned that Jesus is covered with blood since he lives in his heart. so he doesn't want Jesus to come out and play baseball with him because all the blood would be messy. haha but we told him that Jesus lives in a special room in his heart that doesn't have blood in it and that satisfied him for now.

Today we went to our neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt.  We were going to meet our friends for an different egg hunt but with the kids nap schedules this one worked better.  But thanks Kelly for inviting us!  Colin was very excited about the egg hunt and we were surprised how many people were there.
Before the egg hunt began they had sack races and also the Easter bunny.  Who looked like a freaky easter bunny so i was glad when Colin didn't really want to go see him. When the egg hunt started for 0-3 year olds, Joel cried and didn't want to do it but Colin went to town and got a whole basket full of eggs.  Oh and I made his easter basket.  He was very specific.  A robot, dinosaur, snake, and lizard and to make it square.  So I did and had fun doing it. 
Then we drove over to my parents house for Easter dinner and another egg hunt.  This is a typical expression Joel has lately.

Colin was excited to have Mar-wy there to hunt eggs with him :)  And she is no longer Nana she is now Mar-wy. 
Joel wasn't so sure about this whole egg hunt the first time and he really didnt want to do it again.
But my grandma took him around and kept encouraging him.
Then he realized there was something inside the eggs. And after that figured it wasn't so bad :)
Colin wanted to keep playing egg hunt and would hide the eggs again and make Mary go find them.  Until she got tired of it and then Brent and I would come find them.  I figured it was payback for all those times in high school and college that we would have egg hunts for Mary since she was still really into them. 
A fun day and I have a feeling Colin will want to play Easter egg hunt again tomorrow.


Nystral Djo said...

that basket/bag you made is adorable!! you should post pictures of all four sides ;)

Sarah said...

I love that for Colin in Heaven Ant Ant will live with him!