Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Friday, July 13, 2012

water park

On the hotest day this summer we went to a water park. Probably not the best idea but we had to get in before Joel turned 3 and we had to pay for him. It actually wasn't too bad. I was a little worried about Norah but she did great. Thankfully we talked Ant Ant into coming with us. We could not have done it without her. She took one of the boys and Brent took the other for the rides. The kids had a blast. Last year we took them to ocean breeze and there was only 2 slides colin was old enough to do - at water country they could both do pretty much anything- just had to wear a lifejacket. And Joel had no fear - going through a dark tunnel in an innertube he was all smiles. I sat most of the time int he shade with Norah. She was a trooper. It was so hot but I had wrapped icepacks in a towel and put under her so she could stay cool. That seemed to work pretty well. And then when it got too hot we would go in the water.  I wasn't sure how long she would last and expected to take her somewhere else during the day but she did it all. 

 I think she's going to keep her blue eyes - they look just like her aunt mary's.
I love how she puts her arm when she's sleeping.   

We were all in bed shortly after getting home.  I think we wore out Ant Ant but had a great day.  And thank you so much Ant Ant for coming.  Theme parks will be much more fun for the adults when the kids are a little older but it was worth it seeing how excited the kids got and how much fun they had. 

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