Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Monday, July 23, 2012


Saturday Colin swam in an away meet.  The last one of the season. We got there and it was pouring down rain but thankfully it stopped when Brent brought Norah.  She's our little ray of sunshine - ha! 
He swam freestyle and backstroke. Which meant we were there for 5 hours.  Its a little rough when you have Joel to entertain and Norah to worry about and then Colin to have to sit there and think about swimming his race and all the reasons why he shouldn't swim :)  but Joel discovered the concession stand and stuffed himself with candy the whole time and Norah slept a lot and Colin enjoyed sitting and watching every event. 
They have a "halftime" where they have a coaches/parents relay and then a free for all in the pool to cool the swimmers off.  I need to get into shape by next summer so I can do the relays. 
Colin wanted me right next to him each step of the way.  I waited in the clerk of course (or the zoo as they call it - appropriately named) and then walked him behind the lane and stood there until he dove in. 

I need to work with him on his form but at least he's diving now. 
His time was a little slower this week.  You could tell he tried to do all the stroke techniques the coaches worked with him during the week. 
Then after many hours it was time for backstroke.  He was nervous. And had no clue what to do.  I realized he had never seen a backstroke start since his age group is first so I talked him through it. 

He was doing so well.  Six weeks ago he couldn't even float on his back. He would sink.  Before he swam I told him over and over just whatever you do - dont turn over.  And he was going so fast as you can see in the video he made it just past the flags, and then hit the lane line. He thought that was the wall.  He was so upset.  "But mommy I turned over" So then I told him all the times I was DQ'd and he felt a little better. Swim team is over for Colin but he's excited about next year. And so are we.

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