Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Swim Meet

 He did it.  Colin swam in his first meet yesterday.  I am so proud of him.  He kept talking himself out of the stingrays group and then finally on tuesday he wanted to go into the stingrays lane and swim. That was a big deal since he had every excuse why he should stay in guppies. "well mommy, today the water was a little colder, or Mommy I just want this year to be a practice year, or mommy I'll do it tomorrow..." he had every excuse.  At first he was a little nervous and then just loved it. He's been walking around so proud of himself. 
 I signed him up for the swim meet.  I wasn't sure how it would go. You never know.  My brother and sister would want to do the meets, get up on the block and then refuse to dive off.  Colin woke up saturday nervous but I just walked him over to the pool anyways.
 This leauge does it so different from when I swam/coached.  Colin kept asking me about things and I told him I wasn't sure.   They had co-ed relays at the beginning and then  10&under relays and then went straight into freestyle.  Colin was the first event.  So he didnt even have time to watch other people do it.  Which was probably a good thing.  Brent and Joel got there just in time and right as Colin walked from the clerk of course to the lane Ma-ma-maa and Grandpa showed up.  And seeing how Brent was holding both norah and joel they got there just in time. (Joel wasn't sure of the whole thing)
During warmup Colin swam without stopping 3 times. The first time he's ever done that.  I told him he could rest on the lane rope if he needed just not stand up or he wouldn't get his ribbon.  I think that warmup gave him confidence to do the whole thing. All morning I kept texting Jeff and Ant Ant and I think my dad was doing the same thing.  Colin was so fast.  And loved it.  I can't wait to get his official time today.  So now I'm signing him up for our last swim meet.  Its an away meet and he's already starting to talk himself out of that but I keep showing him this video so that seems to stop his excuses.  Colin has a lot of talent (he might look like his dad but he is definitely part gouger with his swimming. I told him I wasn't that fast when I was his age) I'm hoping this is the first of many many years of swimming.

*** official time - 36.05 (fourth fastest on the team) ***

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