Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Monday, July 09, 2012


My sweet baby boy turns 3 today.  In some ways it feels like he was just born but in other ways it feels like he should be turning much older than 3. Joel does just about anything Colin does so he has acted older all his life.  I wish they wouldn't grow up so fast but all day I'd had this quote running through my head:

If I could kep you little, I'd keep you close to me.But then I'd miss you growing into who you're meant to be." ~ Marianne Richmond

I wish I could keep my children little but I have enjoyed each and every stage.  And I love who Joel is now.  He is our stubborn strongwilled child who is very determined to do things his way. There are days I'm at a loss of what to do with him. He is also very affectionate, joyful little boy who loves to make us laugh and entertain us.  He is very adventurous and has no fear of anything. Except woodpeckers.  He will be outside and then run inside and say "i hear dat woodecker"  haha so funny.  He manages to throw in the word poop all the time in random conversations and I'm afraid we've encouraged it since we can't help but laugh. Poopy doopy is a constant word in his vocabulary.  He is my artist and will sit and color/paint for hours.  Most of the time on paper - a lot of times on himself and a few times on the walls - have to keep an eye out for him.  When he's quiet you know he's into something - or getting naked and running around or just sitting and reading a book. I think every family should have a Joel. He makes our days anythning but boring and just adds so much to our family. 
Its fun to hear his conversations.  When he is hungry he will tell me "my tummy not getting bigger."  and when he can't do something he will say "I no can do..."  The other day I was putting lotion on Colin and Joel ran up to me and just said "I got skin!" so I would put lotion on his skin too. He loves to cuddle and rub ears still.  He is starting to sleep through the night maybe once or twice a week - haha norah might have him beat on the sleep department. 
Joel has been talking about his birthday party for weeks now and when I asked him what he wanted he just said he wanted his buddeeeeNathan and of course Noah and Adah and do water balloons.  Which was a change from his origional request of only kitty kats and doggies at his birthday party.  I told him he wasn't getting one so I think that changed his mind :)  We added a slip-n-slide and I hope he had a lot of fun. It was pretty laid back which I think we all needed after the past few weeks. 

Happy Birthday Joely Bean!  We love you so much and love the boy you are becoming and can't wait to see the man you become. 

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