Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas. Christmas Eve I spent the whole afternoon making a super hero cape for Colin. I had meant to get it done earlier but ran out of time. It reminded me of one Christmas eve my mom locked herself in her room making my little sisters doll house. Colin loves his cape though and it was worth it. We went to a candle light service at our church which just amazed Colin. He loved all the singing and even sang along to "Oh come all ye faithful" as for some reason thats the song I sing to him before his naps lately. He sat so quietly and at one point during the pastors talk he goes "oh no - GOD!" He was really worried and it took me a minute but I realized that the pastor had mentioned how God came down from heaven to earth for us on Christmas or he said something like that so I had to reassure Colin that God was fine. I was amazed he was listening to intently - especially when the candle was so facinating to him. We drove around looking at lights afterwards which amazed Colin. It was such a nice night that we put the windows down for him to see better and he kept going "WOW" and got excited when he saw a baby Jesus. Unfortunately he was so excited he didn't go to sleep until really late and then kept waking up all night and was up bright and early. So we started our day early too and opened presents at our house, let Colin play with them for a little bit and then went to my parents for more Christmas. Colin was so excited every time he opened a gift. "Wow" "YEA" to everything. Play-doh was a big hit this year and entertained him for hours. My grandparents came over in the afternoon and we opened more presents and then had Christmas dinner. Colin ate roast beef too! Amazing from our only eat pasta boy. Colin was so tired as he hadn't slept much or gotten a nap but he did pretty good. We stayed at my parents house that night and put Colin down early and all watched a movie. After trying to play Apples to Apples with Colin hording all the green cards. Green is his favorite color so he thought those were his and sat on them so we couldn't use them. Colin loved waking up at ma-maa and ba-pa's house and the first thing he said was "ba-pa has TWO trees" He thinks having two christmas trees is amazing. He played with everyone all morning and then we came back to our house that afternoon where he crashed and took a long nap. He and Brent are outside right now digging in the mud. Brents dad is coming this afternoon so we'll have more Christmas tonight. We were very blessed at Christmas by everyone and Colin remembers exactly who got him each gift and last night thanked Jesus for all his gifts while reciting who gave them to him. So sweet. Oh and he also got a firemans outfit and keeps rescuing me from my burning bed while i have to scream and cough. OVER AND OVER. And the more I get into it the prouder he is of him fire rescuing abilities. So cute and fun. We didnt take many pictures - which is surprising for us but Brent had the camera and after he got a gardening book he was lost in that for the rest of the morning so most of these were taken from my sister sarah. I'll try to put more christmas pictures up later. We missed James, Angela and AJ this year but hope they had a great time in CA.


Nystral Djo said...

that advent calendar is the cutest! where did you get it? tell brent i expect to see a fully beatufiul garden in the spring, now that he is pouring over his gardening book ;)

Julie said...

I love that advent calendar too... and love the cape idea... how did you make it?

Brent and Abigail said...

leah - The advent was made by my sister and mom for us when colin was born. My parents have one too that we grew up with. Its mainly felt with velcro sewn on the back. I can send more pictures if you want up close.... or on your annual trip to va beach when you come visit :) :) i can show it to you

and Julie - i made it up, Thats why it took forever but i bought green fabric and then looked online at different childrens capes and copied the form. I also used his shirts to make sure the neckline was extra big and wouldnt choke him. I sewed felt around the neck line so i woudlnt have to sew it and knew it would be soft and wouldnt frey. Hope this helps. I can send you more pictures up close