Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I was tagged

I was tagged by Heather, a friend of ours and thus you will find out some fun information about me that you may or may not have known :) I decided to have Brent answer half the questions too so you can glimpse into his life and also see how we're similar (or different) So here it goes...

8 TV Shows I Watch (I answered the first 4 and Brent the last 4)
Jon and Kate plus 8 - especially loved the episode about potty training boys. It made me not feel so bad that Colin isn't totally trained yet since their kids were 3.5
2. HGTV - I consider it all the same. Whatever is on when I get a chance to watch it. I know its not a show but a channel. Its still the same to me!
3. The Office
4. 17 kids and counting - I'm still amazed one woman can birth all those kids, and still want more.
5. LOST (my other favorites have already been mentioned; The Office, and Jon & Kate)
6. Top Chef
7. Crusoe
8. ESPN (just generic for sports!)

8 Favorite Restaurants - (Brent's are the last 4)
1. Luigi's - if you're ever in Newport News you have to eat there
2. Olive Garden
3. Jason's Deli - this is Colin's favorite too
4. Ruby Tuesdays
5. Macaroni Grill (my other favorites are Jason's Deli and Olive Garden)
6. Tropical Smoothie Cafe
7. Panera
8. Arby's

8 Things that happened to me
1. Colin woke up at 5:45 am but I scooped him up and brought him in bed with me and he slept until 8:30. YES!
2. Made beef stew for dinner in the crockpot.
3. Waited 2 hours to get my car inspected. Colin was so patient and my car passed. And yes I was one of those who waited until the next to the last day. But the drivers side window doesn't work and the man told me if he couldn't get it up once he put it down that it wouldn't pass. Don't know if he just didn't try it or what but God answered my prayers. And we are getting it fixed. One of Brent's guys at the dealerships is fixing it for free for us we just have to find time to take it in when he's working. One of the perks of Brent's job.
4. Gave Colin an ice cream sandwich for lunch - well it ended up being his lunch but he waited so well and never complained that when it looked like it might take longer we went next door for ice cream.
5. Was rescued by my little fireman from my burning bed several times. He's so proud and so brave!
6.Put Colin down for a 'rest'. If you call it rest he goes down but fights naps. So then I got to take a rest too
7. Brent got home early today so he took Colin to the playground so I could drink tea and watch a little oprah (never get to watch that show ever)
8. Went with Colin and Brent to the lake near our house to feed the ducks

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To (Brent's are the last 4)
1. Black eyed peas on New Years day
2. Spring time and warmer weather
3. End of June/ Beginning of July so we can meet our baby
4. A fully Potty trained boy
5. getting done with the last of these questions
6. building a fence in the backyard
7. buiding a patio in the backyard
8. creating my garden

8 Things I Wish For (Brent's are the last 4)
1. One snow storm - but if its not going to snow at least get a little warmer. Not that I can complain since we've been having nice warm weather here. But our little boy wants to make a snowman
2. Bigger kitchen cabinets - but we'd have to knock out a wall to do that. Other things to do first
3. A heathly baby and that Colin will love the baby and not drop kick it like he does the baby doll
4. That my house will clean itself
5. That the car market (and economy) would get better so I can make money
6. A great spring and summer of rain so my garden is amazing
7. Colin to get a scholarship in some sport so I can go watch him play
8. A healthy second baby and younger brother for Colin!

1 comment:

Bringing Up Boys said...

Thanks for playing along guys, and for taking the time to answer all those questions! Great idea to have Brent answer half of them - wish I would have thought of that with Abe.

On a completely unrelated note, I love Top Chef too! Any wagers on who y'all think is gonna win yet?

Praying that you have a great 2009!