Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Saturday, December 20, 2008

christmas in the eyes of a 2 year old

Yesterday at the store I asked Colin to look at a particular item and pick which one he thinks Daddy would want. So he thought and thought and then finally picked one. As I'm putting it in the cart I tell him how excited Daddy will be to open it on Christmas to which Colin got very serious and goes "no MINE" and proceeds to do a death grip on the item all the way to the check out.

Then he's helping me wrap presents last night and he likes to cut the paper with his scissors and then add the tape - good luck to the rest of the family opening them on Christmas. But I had him bring me a pen so I could write the gift tags on them. The whole time I'm telling him who things are for and how much fun it will be to give it to them and how much they will like it. And for a while he gets excited about "ba-pa's" gift or "nana's gift" until all of a sudden he gets a twinkle in his eye, gets the pen, and starts coloring on the gift tags. He then takes one of them and tapes it to a present and goes "MINE." He wrote his own gift tags to make sure they said "to Colin." haha!

But he is a kind hearted kid. At the Christmas parade they gave out little matchbox cars and Colin actually got a truck with a forklift. Which he's obsessed about right now. In Home Depot the other day we had to go find a forklift in use. But instead of keeping it he gave it to his friend Noah. Which was very sweet. Noah gave him a lollipop so Colin thought that was a good trade.

So we'll see how giving presents go on Christmas. He is so excited about Christmas and goes around saying "ho ho ho Merry Missmess" to everyone. He was even singing Deck the Halls the other day in the store to anyone who passed by. You can only make out the fa-la-la-la part but thats pretty clear. And he does have certain ideas for what to get people. Ant-ant needs a green dinosaur or a pet. Either one. And dada needs more redskins stuff. And he'll tell Santa (any non real ones - the Santa figurines) that he wants a toot-toot-toot for Christmas. A trumpet. (which i might regret but i bought him a real kids sized one that really plays) He's been saying that since August when we read The Night Before Christmas to him and there was Santa with a trumpet in his sack. We took him to see the real Santa but he was too scared to talk. He did manage to whisper toot-toot-toot before we left though. He tries to hurry up the days by trying to add more things to the nativity advent calendar each day. But now we count which ones are left and he knows when Baby Jesus goes up that its Christmas and he can open presents. But that doesn't stop him from trying to sneak in a few more. Wish life worked like that sometimes.


Bringing Up Boys said...

Ah yes Ian is also likes to say mine all the time now! Where do they learn it is what I'd like to know? I didn't teach it to him and neither did Abe, so it's gotta be Zach or some kid at church who is the real culprit ;).

I also wanted you to know that I tagged you to answer a little meme via our blog. All you gotta do is answer it and then post it up on your blog...I'm looking forward to hearing your answers!

Julie said...

that is so typical!!! they are funny aren't they?