Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Monday, December 15, 2008

becoming mr. mom

I couldn't think of another title but Brent has been amazing these past few weeks helping me out. Since i haven't felt so good (and by the way today has been good so far!YEA!) but Brent has helped so much and made it so that I can just play with Colin and rest for the most part. He has done the laundry, washed dishes, unloaded the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen each night, cleaned the bathrooms, helped me each night with my bead kits, not complained when I wont let him make toast because the smell makes me sick, entertained Colin when I couldn't get off the couch, and more. He even put Colin down for a nap yesterday DURING the redskins game and missed a good quarter of it so that I could go down earlier for a nap and sleep all afternoon. This pregnancy is definitely a lot harder but I know its worth it in the end. I can't wait to see our new baby and wish July wasn't so far away. I had a doctors apt Friday and its different now going since Brent was able to go to all but one appointment before (the joys of having the doctors 5 minutes from work then) but I was able to hear the baby's heart beat again and the doctor said it was really strong. So I'm hoping I'll start feeling better soon. I'm sure Brent is feeling the same way :)


Julie said...

Yeah Brent for being such a great dad and husband... love the picture. I am praying you feel better soon and you are RIGHT... they ARE SO WORTH IT

Nystral Djo said...

what a great picture! so glad you have a wonderful helpmate. july will be here before you know it!

Bringing Up Boys said...

He's a keeper! Once we get through New Year's and Spring time hits, July will be here before you know it!