Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin patch

 Yesterday I took the kids to the pumpkin patch.  With a huge "storm of the century" coming in they didnt have the kids games or hayride but my kids didnt seem to mind. We had to get our pumpkins and this mommy had to get her pictures.  I told Brent we haven't missed a year yet since Colin has been born.  So even with the rain coming I took the kids.  Brent went camping - hopefully he stayed dry. It wasn't suppossed to rain where he went. It was cloudy and windy when we were at the pumpkin patch but didnt start raining until we got in the car and drove off

Norah really liked the wind blowing on her

Colin wanted to buy all the pumpkins he could find. I told him if we did he wasn't getting any legos for christmas.  So he wisely just picked one.

My sweet honey badger.  Ant Ant gave him this nickname this summer and its so true.  This week has been rough because he is trying to live up to that nickname and even possibly exceed it. Instead of the strong willed child book they should write one for parents of honey badgers since I have no clue what to do.  One one hand I love the fact that he doesnt care about what others think and does his own thing.  On the other trying to discpline him and teach him when and where to be a honeybadger is exhausting.  Lots of praying going on from this exhausted mommy.  But he sure is cute.

Colin picked his winner.  It doesnt have a stem but it is perfectly shapped. 

Joel's has a huge stem.  He wants to carry it all the time.  I'm surprised the stem is still on.

Beautiful baby girl.  She looks more little girl and less babyish to me in this picture.  Wish they didnt have to grow so fast. 

She thinks her momma is pretty funny.  It is amazing how much a smile from a baby can boost your self esteem. 

So now we wait out the storm and wait for Daddy to come home and carve the pumpkins.  Brent enjoys it. I'd rather leave the pumpkins on our front porch until thanksgiving but the boys get into it and can't wait to carve tonight.  I guess even if we lost power we'll have our jackolanterns to light our way! 


k.oldt said...

Glad you weathered the storm

Michelle said...

The Honey Badger thing is ha-larious because that is what we have called our youngest. 2-3 year olds are the toughest. I love the Honey Badger vids - so stinkin' funny!