Making 'Snow'
Digging in the dirt
Emptying his sock drawer
Picking 'green balls'
Even though I'm vacuming several times a day now or cleaning just to discover it was all in vain - these things make me smile. Its fun to watch Joel discover the fun in making styrofom snow or emptying drawers. He is so proud of himself. I just can't leave him alone in a room too long :) Although look at his face in the last picture. I think he picked that green tomato on purpose just to get to Brent. haha.
these are such cute mischievous pictures!
Abby, you have such a good attitude... I need to be around you for it to rub off on me :) I love that last picture. I have so many of those like that with Jasper! Awesome. And that one of him emptying the sock drawer reminds me of Colin... precious
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