Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Monday, May 03, 2010

Almost 4

Colin is almost 4.  Or 13 or 18 or 17 like he sometimes likes to say. Although lately he's been saying 4 to people.  We just had his 4 year check up today and he is 34lbs and 41inches. 
On friday we went to the zoo with Jamie and Benjamin.  Joel really wants to follow the big boys and do whatever they do.
Saturday my parents, grandpa and Ant Ant came to Colin's soccer game (he scored 6 goals by the way! Brent likes to say he performs better when he has an audience)  we had a pirate party afterwards at our house for our little pirate.  He loves playing pirates.  Usually mommy is the bad pirate and daddy is his hearty.  Not sure how that happened but he needs a bad pirate to fight during the day.  The other day he went up to a bunch of middle schoolers on the playground and asked if they wanted to play pirates with him and thankfully they did and had a blast. But he told them he was the pirate captain and they were his hearties. (from the pirate saying "me hearties")  haha But on Saturday we were all his hearties or mateys.  Colin wanted everyone to wear pirate tattoos or tutu as it sounded.  
I had a pirate treasure hunt but then realized after I hid the treasure chest with some gold pieces and chocolate that it was 90 degrees outside so we quickly had it before the chocolate melted.  

I don't think Benjamin was too impressed by the treasure :)
He wanted a pirate cake and this is what I came up with.  He had fun coloring in his hearties :) 
Colin got a big boy bike for his birthday.  We all walked with him around our "loop de loop" as we call it. 
Colin did it twice that day.  And played on the playground both times. He was exhausted that night and I was sure he would sleep in late but 6am Sunday morning he woke up and immediately wanted to go on a bike ride.  He did the same loop 3 times yesterday.(it takes about 20 minutes to walk around)   He gets faster each time and it wont be long before the training wheels are off.
Joel enjoyed the day too.

Can it really have been almost 4 years? Although I'm glad its only 4 and not 18 like he wants.  That day will come soon enough.


k.oldt said...

Happy Birthday Colin!

Julie said...

wish we were there to be pirates with you. How fun and I love the cake!!!!

Uncle Jeff said...
