Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Botanical Gardens

Brent had a Tuesday off this week.  We were supposed to be at the beach since he works Monday and Wednesday in NC near nags head/kitty hawk area.  But it didn't work out this time. Maybe sometime this summer. But since he did have a day off we took a family trip to the botanical gardens.  I was surprised how big it was.  A hidden gem in ghetto Norfolk. We only went to half of it and will have to go back and explore some more.  We even saw these huge tadpoles that were about to lose their tails and had little nubs for arms and legs.  They have this amazing kids area that we spent most of our time in.  There are some fun fountains that the boys loved but the day we went it was very cold. I got some great videos of Joel and Colin in the fountains. Joel laughed everytime he got wet.  It was so cute.  And I think we were the only ones there letting our kids get wet since it was so cold.  Good thing we brought a change of clothes for them.  We will have to go back when its warmer.  Colin loved it and keeps asking me when we're going back to that fun park.  There was this one overlook that he and I played in and he told me he was the knight and I was the princess he was coming to save.  I think I'm going to like his interest in castles and knights - especially if I get to be the princess and not the bad pirate this time :)  We had a great time and both boys fell asleep on the way home and then we got them both down for another hour nap at home. Which meant naps for mommy and daddy too since Joel is the only one liking his 4am wake up every day (which hopefully will stop soon)

1 comment:

uncle jeff said...

Those roses almost look as good as mine....LOL!