Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

happy Birthday Colin

Today my little boy turned 4.  Its amazing each year for us to think back to where we were, what time we went to the hospital, when I started pushing, when I saw his little face for the first time. It goes by so fast.  And it seems each year goes by even faster.  Colin is such a joy. He is incredibly smart - I mean look at his parents :)  But his favorite books are encyclopedia books and I have learned so much this year from him (I can name all the dinosaurs, the planets, all the organs and muscles in your body, ocean animals...and the list goes on) He is such an easy going kid who just finds joy in the little things which I hope continues.  He still loves order and lining things up but his little brother has made him more relaxed about that.  Colin is very independent and wants to do everything himself.  But he still loves to be snuggled with all the time :) He is all boy and loves to be outside digging in the dirt, climbing trees, looking for bug or playing sports. He also loves to help with any project we do - gardening, painting, building and is such a good helper and makes any project more fun to do.  We just love him and are so blessed to be his parents. I can't wait to see what this next year brings... just wish it wouldn't go by so fast.
Colin had a fun filled birthday today.  He walked out of his bedroom and asked me why I hung toilet paper in the room (crepe paper - white) and I told him it wasn't toilet paper but party paper.  haha.  I'm still not sure he believes me.  He opened some presents and then we went to RJ's house for some fun.  Colin was really excited and at one point got everyone to play outside while he sneaked in the house to play with RJ's train table all alone.  ha!  Then Aunt Angela and Uncle Opie surprised us with a visit this afternoon.  As soon as Brent got home from work I took Colin to the movies for his first time.  He told me it was super cool and kept thanking me.  It was so sweet. We saw Disney's Oceans movie.  At the end Colin told me he wanted daddy and mommy to come next time and to ask ma-ma-maa to come watch baby joel. 

Happy Birthday Colin boy.  We love you so much!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Happy birthday to Colin!!!! Wish we could have celebrated with you!!!