Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Sunday, August 09, 2009

1 month

Such a big boy already. But to put it in perspective here is a picture that I didn't zoom in with the camera. He has grown 2 inches in a month. Another basketball scholarship perhaps? Today my baby is one month old. It seems like just yesterday we were in the hospital having him but at the same time he feels like he's always been apart of our lives. Its funny how when Colin turned 1 month old I cried because he was growing up so fast. And it seem like Joel has hit his one month even faster. When Colin was born all I did all day was stare at him. And now I have two kids to take care of so the days go by even faster. And while I am sad that Joel is now one month, leaving the newborn stage and is now in the baby stage, I also feel like we've finally figured out how to care for two. Its still a balancing act and overwhelming at times but we've all (including Colin) adjusted well and I feel like I can breathe a little again. Joel is such a joy and a huge blessing to us. I just love him so much and wish he wouldn't grow up so fast. He is starting to smile at us which just melts our hearts and even cooing a little more each day. We all just love to hug and kiss him and he gets that from all of us - especially Colin. Its fun to see his personality come out more and more each day. And there is nothing greater than having your baby fall asleep content in your arms. I just wish we could stop time a little. We are truly blessed with two wonderful boys. Hugs and kisses from his big brother


Nystral Djo said...

he's getting so big already!! don't you just wish you could stop time once in a while, just for a little bit?? i feel that way all the time! when you get a chance, can you please send me your mailing address? i have something for the baby, but i don't think you've been getting my e-mails asking for your address... thanks! (leah)

Julie said...

i think he is getting big too! So cute and LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics of the boys together!