Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Sunday, March 01, 2009

what they dream

I have always wondered what Colin has been dreaming at times. He always used to smile and laugh in his sleep and now he mumbles things only his blankie can understand. There are still nights I can hear him laughing in his sleep. He also has nightmares too which is so sad as he can't separate reality with dreams. But last night Colin woke up whimpering so I went in, and got him back asleep and then went back to my bed only I could tell he was still upset and this time he woke up crying really hard. So back into his room. Usually he doesn't say what makes him so upset since he's half alseep most times. But this time he kept repeating "Me want green M&M's" and I said you can have green m&m's and he's still half asleep and yelled "momma said NO!!!! Me no want BLUE m&M's." And an hour and a half later I finally got him back asleep. I tried not to laugh when he kept repeating it and its honestly easier to get him back asleep when he has dreams about lions after him but not getting green m&m's is pretty awful :) For breakfast he got green m&m's with his cereal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that is soooo easy. When he laughs during his sleep, he is thinking of me. When he is upset, which seems to be a recent trend, he is fearful of his new baby brother.