Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, February 26, 2009

no privacy

We have made some progress on the potty training lately but really Colin just isn't interested. He knows exactly when he needs to go and tells me when he's peeing in his pullup, or diaper and big boy pants but unless he's really focused on it he just doesn't care. I guess for him there are better things to be doing and going potty slows him down. So I'm trying to be patient and we work every day on it. One of these days he'll just start going but until then he is in charge and he knows it. But since we've been working on it I have no privacy when I have to go to the bathroom. Here is a look into my day:

Me: Colin Do you have to go potty?
Colin: nope
Me: well I'm going to go potty (i go so much now with this baby bouncing on my bladder sometimes Colin rolls his eyes and gives me a look like really? Do you have to go again? you just went!)
Colin: Me come too - Me like to watch
Me: Ok but then you're next
Colin: oooo Momma - pee-peeing or poo-pooing? (to which i have to give an answer)
Colin dancing and yelling pee-peeing or poo-pooing or some song with those words he made up
Colin: don't forget to wipe
Colin: Let me see (when I'm all done he has to inspect the toilet)
Colin: Me flush - yea momma! Bye bye pee-pee
Me: Ok Colin now its your turn.
Colin: nope and runs into the other room to continue playing with what he was playing with before

haha sometimes I'd like my privacy but I just have to laugh during these times. Its especially funny to go into a public restroom and having him do the same thing and hear other women in the restroom giggling at our conversation.


Beth said...

That would be a funny thing to hear from another stall....

I miss our discipleship times... you were always so nice to me about needing to go to the bathroom 738493 times. And I'm not even sure you were pregnant then! ;)

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