Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

yard sales, blog books, firemen and new faucets

First because many of you have asked - I made my blog book through Great site. And very easy to work with. I made one for my brother and sister-in-law and also one for us. I was going to make them another one for Christmas this year but blurb stopped using blogger and there was such an outrage that they brought it back. SO excited about that. I thought it turned out very well and can't wait to work on my new one. The quality is great and the price isn't bad either. Much cheaper than scrapbooking. Now though I'm wondering - do I order two books for both boys since this is how I'm scrapbooking or just let them fight over which ones they want when they get older. Any suggestions?

In other news its now yard sale time. I have been to two really great ones. The first one I went to I got this ugly green sandbox :) We weren't going to get one for Colin since we live so close to the beach and go a lot in the summer. He just loves to dig in the sand there but after seeing our holes he made in our yard I was very excited to find this one really cheap. It rained and filled with water so Colin put on his swim suit and played in it. The he got wet and that brought a discussion on how we don't go naked outside since you turn around and this is what you sometimes see....

But now the sandbox is filled with sand and Colin is in it almost every day. And don't you just love our weeds instead of grass in those pictures. We're working on that and have big plans for our yard this summer. We want to put in a fence but just ordered new windows so the fence might have to wait a little bit. But brents garden is already started as we have lots of seeds started and hundreds of plants coming up already. This weekend we hope to get his garden laid out and raised beds started.... we will have to see if that all happens.

Colin is obsessed with firemen. He is a fireman every day all day now and really gets into it. Here he is looking at the map I made for him that shows where the fire is. He will answer the phone, look at the map, get his fire hat, coat, and boots on and then go fight the fire. Only he has gotten it into his head that he needs a REAL BIG fire truck. One you can drive on the street. I got a small garden hose out and attached it to his red car (one of those flinstones cars) for him to get in and drive all over the yard and driveway. I thought it was perfect only its not a real fire truck and his car can't be a fire truck - silly mommy. So all week I've heard him answer his phone. Say oh no fire. Have to save the people. Then get hat, coat, boots on and race to the front door. then sadly turn to me and go "mommy can't save the people - no have real fire truck and people are down the street" Even pretending or walking down the street doesn't work for him. But its OVER AND OVER. Phone rings, gets gear on, runs to the front door, then tells me he can't save the people. Poor people. Then a few minutes later he does the same thing again. I try not to laugh and think he's pretty smart. He thinks if he does this long enough i might feel sorry for the poor people in the fire down the street and go get him a real big fire truck. We're going to have to be on our toes for this one as he gets older!

And here are Brent and Colin installing a new faucet for our kitchen sink. Its so pretty and doesn't drip like our old yucky one. Colin used his new "bob the builder" tools that he got at a yard sale we went to with Jamie, Benjamin, and vera the baby that Jamie babysits. I got to see first hand what its like to go out in public with an active little boy and a baby! This yard sale we had to wait an hour to get in the door - anything you could possibly imagine for kids was there. I told Colin he could pick out a toy and he picked bob tools. It was perfect since he used them to help daddy this weekend and he sang the bob theme song over and over "working together to get the job done"


Anonymous said...

From Brent's expression I can tell what he's going through. Been there and done it before.

Julie said...

Hey Abigail, Thank you so much for all your kind, consistent, loving comments on my blog. I had a few extra minutes and wanted to write to you, but realized I am not sure if i have your email... must get it :) I was looking on your blog for your email and saw the post you did for Eli. The picture made me cry again. I am so thankful to God that we are not in ICU anymore. I am so thankful that we might be able to go home tomorrow! It has been a full 5 weeks on Saturday. Can you believe it? Thanks so much for praying and encouraging me. We appreciate you all so much!!!

Oh and I have been wishing that I had internet access at the hospital so that I could work on my blog book. Have you made one before? I haven't since I just started blogging this year...but working on one for last year... and thought it was all too limiting for all the pictures I wanted to add and text...and have more than one entry per page. I got super frustrated. So, I am trying to make my pages in another software and save them as a jpeg and then do full bleed images on each page so they are the way I want them to look. Make sense? I just wish I could work within their software... any suggestions would be welcome :)

Anyway, thanks again! hugs from afar, love jules and family

Anonymous said...

looks like mr. colin needs another hair cut