Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

dental visit

Last night Colin was drumming on a pan,while standing on his chair and I was cleaning the kitchen and we were singing a song together. The next thing I knew he had fallen and bumped his chin. His tooth went into his lip and he has a deep bruise on his chin. So we put the boo-boo bunny (if you dont have one they are amazing - works every time) on his boo-boo and sat and read some books while Colin calmed down. I didn't look inside his mouth until about 20 minutes later when he pointed and said owww - boo-boo. So sure enough one of his front teeth was crooked and his gum was bleeding. And to make it worse his pacifier (which he calls ba-ba) made it bleed even more. He didn't seem too bothered by it at first so we waited until today before heading over to the pediatric dentist. (this all happened around 7:30 at night) We put him to bed but Colin and I didnt get much sleep last night though as he kept waking up and telling me his tooth hurt. Poor little guy. I was really worried about in the middle of the night after the 4th time of getting up to comfort him. We met Brent at the dentist's office since he was working right near there and our little guy was so good. He let them take x-rays, look in his mouth several times and never once complained. He didnt fracture or rupture anything but we're supposed to keep an eye on it and if it turns colors we need to go back so they can clean out the decay is what they said. His tooth will correct itself they said and slowly go back to normal. He let them poke around with their instruments but notice the death grip he has on the arm rest.Afterwards we went and got yum-yum. What a brave little guy.


Anonymous said...

I still have the scar under my bottom lip where my teeth went through the lip at a playground accident at dutrow. It's in the shape of my tooth.

Nystral Djo said...

he's so brave!
(p.s. i posted completed patio pics @ the ranch) ;)

Julie said...

Hi guys, this is Julie (McCaffery) Anderson in Hungary...I just saw your blog and i am so excited that you blog. I know I found it once before but I didn't put it in my google reader...and now i am going to... so fun to hear about your lives... and poor Colin, what a trooper@

Bringing Up Boys said...

Poor Colin... but what a trooper, and a brave one at that! He was well deserving of his ice cream treat.