Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Landscape Challenge....

Yesterday was a day full of working in our yard. We love our yard and have big plans on making it really nice. Its one of the reasons we bought our house. I'll have to let Brent tell you his plans for his garden and patio extension -its a really tiny patio so we'd like to make it bigger. I think we're going to do raised planting beds on the side of the yard for brents garden but we're still working on those plans. And we go back and forth with putting up a fence. But there were some overgrown bushes in the flower beds that just needed to go. So as soon as we woke up Saturday - which with Colin is very early - we all went right to work. We pulled out all the ugly bushes. Colin was so cute and went and got his gloves (an unmatched pair of winter gloves he found) and helped a little bit but he really liked finding the slugs. And yes he is wearing his pj's. He has to wear his Thomas flannel pj's all day every day right now. We bought mulch and have to dig out the stumps and then i'm going to plan tulips and daffodil bulbs in some of the beds. I dont know what else to plan right now so we'll just have to see how these bed progress. We left the yellow/greenish bushes but those low evergreen looking ones are gone! It already makes a huge difference. I dont have after pictures yet so you will just have to check back sometime next week to see the progress we've made this week. we are almost done with our shade garden in the back yard. It was there but was very overgrown so we've cleaned it out and added more plants. Looks great now and will have to post pictures of that soon too.
Before. The first picture is looking at our side corner looking into the back yard. Its the left corner in the second picture if that makes sense. The second picture is half of the back of our house. Note our new air conditioning!

Looking for slugs. The second picture is the aftermath - we filled 13 large bags.

Colin was a huge help but when asked if he had fun that morning he told me "NO!" Oops! Good thing we did most of it while he was napping :)


Bringing Up Boys said...

Wow you all did a great job with all that yard work, and you've got 13 bags full of debris to prove it! I bet Colin slept good that night. And just so you know, if I could get away with wearing pj's while doing yard work I totally would!

Nystral Djo said...

What a cutie, him wanting to wear his PJs all day! I'm right there with you with the raised beds and patio projects - that's what we spent our summer doing! I have to post the "After" pictures on when I get some free time. Haha. Free time. That's funny.

Anonymous said...

YAY PJs! I would wear them every day all day if I on growing up! I still wear them lots though! :)