Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

weekend fun

This past weekend was a busy but really fun weekend. It started Friday morning when Colin rode his tricycle for TWO whole hours. We were chasing the garbage truck :) fun and very smelly! I was amazed he kept wanting to go. Then we went and fed the ducks and turtles at the lake near our house. And then when Brent got off work we headed to Richmond to pick up Sarah for our weekend fun. (after a brief stop at Bead Retreat in NN for me to turn my stuff in/get new supplies for this week and for Colin to get his chocolate and to see Ma-MA. He likes going to Bead Retreat and gets excited when I tell him were going to see grandma at work) We then picked up Sarah and drove to I think Henderson, NC to spend the night before heading to Charlotte for the first Hokie Football game. We got to the game just in time. Colin at first wasn't too sure about it but once Enter Sandman came on he wanted to jump up and down and LOVED the fact that both teams had brought their bands. We were able to go sit near our friends Jon and Emma which was really fun. The game was hot - very hot. And obviously didn't turn out the way we wanted to. Lets hope for a better game this weekend. But it was still fun to sit and enjoy the game with friends. And Brent loved being at a football game on his birthday! happy birthday Brent! Colin got really tired and hot and eventually fell asleep - like he does every year. Amazing that he can fall asleep during a football game.

We ended up going back to Jon and Emma's house after the game to hang out and spend the night. (it had been 5 years since we had last seen them so it was really good to spend so much time with them) They have two boys - one Colin's age. It was great for Colin to play with someone his age since most of the kids we know are older or younger. Their boys are so cute and were really sweet with Colin. Jon and Emma have a beautiful house. It was great to get ideas for our house- lets hope it turns out as well for us :) Colin keeps talking about Cole and Beckett and in his prayers last night thanked Jesus for Cole and "the baby" So sweet. Although at one point he went to hug Cole and ended up tackling him. I guess its different hugging someone your size than hugging momma or dadda! We left Sunday morning and got home Sunday evening just in time for Brent's friend Mike (aka witty) to get here and for us to go to our neighbors cookout. With all the food and junk food there what did Colin want to eat - only broccoli! He usually eats it cooked but he loved it raw. But it was good to get to know or neighbors better. Oh and Jim's (our neighbor) brother is a center for the seahawks! Brent's in awe :) haha. We all went to the beach Monday morning and then after Colin woke up from his nap we went to the pool for the last time. Colin started playing with some kids at the beach and one girl turned to him and said "your funny" and you should've seen Colin's face. He was so proud and just looked at her in awe. So good for him to get that affirmation from an older kid - especially since most of them didn't really talk to him and he wanted to join in so bad. Colin has been saving the change his finds around the house in a bowl to take to the pool so he can get a snack so he used it yesterday - got two bags of peanut M&M's. (I snuck a bunch for us out when he wasn't looking) Now we'll have to find another treat for him to save his money for. He was so proud of using "his money" Colin woke up this morning asking for Ant Ant (sarah) and witty. lets hope they visit soon. It was a great weekend and tons of fun but I'm looking for a few relaxing days... although tomorrow Brent has to drive to Kitty Hawk, NC for work.... might be nice to go with him :)


Anonymous said...

Waking up to the alarm wasn't the same as having Colin come in and wake up Ant Ant!

I forgot I was supposed to be a guest blogger this week! Let me know when you want my writing skills...

Brent and Abigail said...

we just found out our air conditioner is coming tomorrow between 12 and 6! YEA! so it looks like colin and I wont get to go play in kitty hawk tomorow but we'll have cool air!

funny though since today its nice and pleasant and we dont even need the air conditioning. but i'm sure we'll need it soon.

Anonymous said...

Guess who's starting this weekend? His name doesn't begin with a G and he doesn't whine to the press! :)

DadG said...

Colin looks like he is really ready for football. The picture of him standing and yelling is great.
Big freak out in Blacksburg today.
Glennon for the last 2 years has started out slowly and by the end of the year is really rolling. Then the layoff for the bowl and the O tanks again.

Brent and Abigail said...

colin is ready for this weekend!!! the picture of him yelling is great. I also love his 'confused' look in that one picture. that was taken AFTER we started losing. like "what happened?" and I think my face must have looked the same