Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, September 27, 2012

almost a month done

This is what came home this week. Its hard to see but on the first day of school Colin felt Sad. Made me sad to see it. But the curly hair makes me smile.  That was just the first day. He really is having a great year in first grade.  He really does love it. He has a great teacher and the school is really great. I was dropping him off the other day at the drop off and the teacher who is always at the drop off said Colin was the best kid in the whole school.  I'm not surprised since I think he's pretty great.  Its fun seeing him walk in and the teachers calling out "Good Morning Colin" They all clearly love him.  I still miss him a lot during the day. 
Its funny how the questions I ask Colin aren't what did you learn but who did you sit next to at lunch or on the bus. I think that social stuff is what makes me the most anxious.  And its not that he will learn bad things from kids.  I would rather Colin learn now while he still thinks Mommy and Daddy are the greatest how to interact with those kids/things/situations.  And I'd rather him learn at an early age to stand up for what he knows is right and wrong.  I've already seen him go against the other kids for what he knows is right.  And he was so excited to tell me about that.  But its the times when he's sad that no one sat next to him on the bus type of things that make me want to sweep in a give him big hugs and tell those other kids to sit next to my child (dont worry I wont) But for a momma thats the hard part.  I can't protect him from that.  I like to control things (which I'm sure my whole family will agree) but sending my child to school is hard because I can't control his day.  And lately its hard because by the time Colin gets home from school Joel is tired, Colin is tired from school, Norah is tired from not napping much and only wants mommy to hold her, and Mommy is tired so I feel like Colin just gets whats left over if there is anything left after a long day.  So the mommy guilt is there but we're getting through
.  And for those of you who are teachers - parents HATE homework.  Why torture the parents or children anymore.  Give them a break.  He really hasn't had much homework but some nights are hard to figure out when to get it done.  I can't imagine if we were doing a sport this fall how we would get it all done.  So dont give homework!  Colin loves to be a helper and was so excited that yesterday he was the lunch helper and got to take a wet rag and clean up after everyone.  ha! wish that worked at home.  Maybe I should just leave a soapy bucket in his room....
When he had his surgery he stayed home an extra day just in case he was nauseous from the medications so I was working with him on some school work and I told him that it was almost like what Noah and Adah do all day (they are homeschooled) and while I was thinking how nice it was and wishing we could homeschool, Colin commented how boring it was.  He couldnt wait to get back to school.  He loves it. Its fun to see him come home singing the songs he learned in music and teaching me the games and exercises he learned in PE.  And he just loves Art.  I can't wait to see what he brings home.  So I'm glad. But I'm still counting down until summer.  


Michelle said...

Awww! I like this post and feel all the same things. I know that guilt thing. 5 minutes of eye contact and hugs and telling the other 2 kids (even the baby) "It's big brother's turn" will send him over the moon and fill up his little love tank. I bet you already do that so well!

Holly said...

so sweet to hear about colin's start to first grade. I understand being "leftovers." I feel like ryan and anyone after 4:00 get leftover holly. it's crazy he still loves me! at least there are weekends. :)