Half a year. Amazing. I am morning the fact that I no longer have a squishy newborn but it is really fun seeing Norah's personality come out. She is so fun. I love six months when you see them almost start to discover the world. Such a sweet girl and still pretty laid back. She has gotten into this only wanting mommy phase which I don't mind. Poor Brent doesn't cut it if mommy walks by. But if mommy is holding her she is perfectly content and very happy. She is a horrible sleeper - almost every 2 hours she is up. She slept better as a newborn. Teething, growth spurt, not sure but poor thing is having trouble sleeping lately.
My favorite thing she does is rest her head on my shoulder. All the time. Whenever I hold her. She likes to snuggle close, put her head on my sholder for a minute, then put it up watching the boys and then put it back down again. She does this over and over. I aboslutely love it.
She loves her brothers. They can get her laughing so hard. She lights up when Joel or Colin are near.
Baby girl is starting to love all things girly and sparkly. She is very happy to walk by the girl isles in the stores and loves to vocalize her happiness. Its really cute. I think we need to start adding some girly toys since the trucks aren't cutting it for her. The only way I can put her down without her crying and melting down is to give her some necklaces to play with.
She will lunge for things and end up on all fours and will start rocking back and forth. The boys were crawling by now. Part of me doesn't think it will happen soon since after a few minutes she is like this:
And will then be very happy when you help her sit up. She desperately wants to play with the boys legos and will throw her body towards their box of Legos so maybe if she gets desperate enough she might start crawling. I'm in no hurry.
And baby girl says Mama. She will start getting upset and say mama, mama, mama until I pick her up. I'm pretty sure she knows what she's saying. Its no wonder thats her first word - its all she hears all day from the boys "mommy!!!" Its fun she is beginning to talk but how did she get this old so fast....
Its hard to picture life without her.
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