Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Day 3 down

This morning we were getting Colin ready for school and Joel came up to me and said the following: 

J:  "Joel go skool too. Ride poolbus like Bubba.  Mommy home.  Boo hooo hooo." (Now pretending to be mommy with a high squeaky voice too - " I miss my Joely. booo hooo hooo."

He kept repeating it several times. Oh Joel.  I love him. Haha.  Made me laugh.  Guess he wants me to miss him too :) Yesterday he played with all of Bubba's toys and then after an hour figured out that Bubba wasn't there and then wandered the house saying "I looking for Bubba.  Where Bubba go?"  They are so excited to see each other after school.  Colin begged and begged to wake up Joel from his nap since he hadn't seen him all day. 

I did cry today on the way home. Colin is still excited.  He still thinks school is boring - just a bunch of rules. They haven't actually done anything - just learned the rules.  Which is important but he's ready to get to the learning and fun part. 

I did talk to the teacher about Colin's stuttering. He has been doing it off and on for a while now (the doctor told us it was his asthma) But this week its gotten so bad he can barely get words out.  It might be a lot of nerves about school but its hard to watch him struggle.  Especially the "w' sound.  And when he insists on starting each sentence with "well" it makes for a somewhat frustrated boy.  But the speech therapist will evaluate him soon and I can't wait.  Its so hard to watch him be so excited to tell you something and then take a long time to get it out.  He told us last night he knows what he wants to say just can't get it out.

Colin started sleeping until 8 every morning or later this summer so we're having to wake him up in the mornings. And then have breakfast all when he's still half asleep.  So to get him to eat and wake up happy we've been watching tv while we eat breakfast. Joel thinks its wonderful - Colin is still half asleep to really care at this point. 

Only 176 more days of school left.


Sarah said...

I love mr personality. He's so funny!

It's hard seeing him struggle to get words out as well.

Julie said...

Abby, Eli was the SAME way and it came and went 2 times in his young life. He would get frustrated and just not be able to say what he wanted to. it is totally normal for boys and I was so concerned and didn't need to be, he grew out of it, but it was so hard to watch. I was told not to focus on it and just act normally and encourage him. This helped to take it away some, but it was still sooo hard and both times last about a month or two. Hope this encourages you!!!

Uncle Jeff said...

A good speech therapist is wonderful,and the sooner the better. Meredith went to one for several years due to a tongue thrust. F's were th's so frog was throg. Obviously, it worked. You would never know.

Anthony Ryan Delorie said...

Our little Antonio, is in the same boat we have an appointment with the school on thursday, as he was flagged by the speech therapist. Besides the words, he stutters so bad, apparently kids don't wait to hear his input, or even asked he speaks another language.

Seems like schools are better than ever at nipping these things early on.