Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Weight Gain

We just got back from Joel's 18 month check-up.  He has grown a ton.  He went from being in the 8% for weight to being in the 95%.  He is now 30lbs and 34inches tall.  (95% for height now - up from 75% at 12 months) I'm not sure where he puts his 10+lbs that he gained :)  But he's healthy and right on track for everything. Even ahead of schedule for most things. 

All morning Colin kept whispering to Joel "you're going to get shots Joel" and was all to happy to tell him of this fact. Over and over.  After hearing it a few times in the doctors office I reminded Colin that it was going to be his turn to get shots at his well check up.  That stopped it for a while.  Joel had to get 2 shots. We are on a delayed shot system if you call it that and have opted out of a few of them. And thankfully this will be the last of the shots until he's 4-6. But the nurse came in and had Joel sit on my lap and for me to hold his legs down.  Fully expecting the delayed scream that usually comes, the nurse and I both looked at each other after the first shot because Joel was smiling and laughing.  Then she did the second shot and the same thing. Joel really liked watching the needle go in and would've taken a few more I think since he was fascinated with watching the whole thing.  The nurse hugged Joel and I heard her telling everyone in the office how amazing it was that Joel never even whimpered.  Another nurse came in then to give us some paperwork and commented to Joel how brave he was and then turned to Colin and said she had heard him teasing his brother about getting shots and that Colin needed to be even BRAVER when it was his turn.  I think Joel showed Colin a thing or two today :)


sarah said...

Hahaa that's great! I'm sure Joel was determined to now cry and show Colin a thing or two!

k.oldt said...

wow he has grown, poor lucy is still 21 pounds :0)`

Uncle Jeff said...

Uncle David and I used to refer to you as "Daddy's Little Fatty"...hahahahaha! Glad it was just being stored before a growth spurt! Actually, David coined the term.