Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, February 10, 2011


  We woke up this morning to a few inches of snow on the ground.  The kids couldn't wait to go outside. Even Joel was excited until we got him out in the snow.
 Brent enjoyed pelting Colin with snowballs.  In a few years he better watch out.  These boys will be able to fire back.
  Joel actually liked the snow this time. He had fun walking around and eating the snow.
 Then we got the sleds out and went sledding on the one hill in our neighborhood.
 But before we left Joel pelted Colin right in the face with a snowball. (maybe thats why he had so much fun this time. haha)
 "Mommy I can't see anymore.  My eye is gone!"  said my very dramatic son.
 The sledding was fun. They both really liked it.  And the real sleds worked great.  We almost ended up in the pond we were going so fast. Joel would yell "weeee" the whole way down.  We stayed out almost 2 hours this morning in the snow. The sun is now out and its supposed to all melt away by tomorrow.  My kind of snow :)

1 comment:

k.oldt said...

Looks like a great time in the snow and glad you are all feeling better