Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Party

 This morning we had a Noah, Adah, and Nathan over for a little Christmas fun.  Colin was so excited for his Christmas party that he didn't want to go to bed last night.  I can't imagine what Christmas Eve will be like.  The kids exchanged gifts they thoughtfully picked out at the Dollar Store for each other.  Colin took forever picking just the right gifts and Noah and Adah were super excited to give Colin his gift. It was so cute to watch them give their presents.  
Then after playing for a while they all made Gingerbread houses.

 Nathan knew the bigger kids were getting the better end of the deal here.

There is a function on my camera that automatically takes a picture if it detects a smile. 
 The kids all tried it out and it worked. 
 I want to try this function and try to get a family picture. Maybe Colin will  want to take a picture finally
 The finished results after the kids all gorged themselves of candy and frosting. I feel like a professional photographer with these artsy food pictures :)
 Colins - somehow he only got 1 or 2 pieces of candy on his house.  I'm sure the rest ended up in his mouth. Little does he know he can eat the houses later. 
Joels.  Surprisingly after all the candy Joel ate he is sleeping and taking a rather long nap (or at least long for him) 

A really fun morning.  With all the colds and sickness we've both had our families haven't seen each other for a few weeks.  Which is way too long to go without playing.  (at least for me!)


Julie said...

so cute, I love your houses!!! That is awesome, I want to do this with the kids in a couple of days... we will see :)

k.oldt said...

so cute! miss you all. Have a great holiday!

sarah said...

I want your camera :) Mine has started to randomly shut off when you are trying to take a picture... I need to write a last minute letter to santa!