Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, January 07, 2010


Yesterday we went to RJ's house to play in the morning and then Mary came over to play in the afternoon and then we went to homegroup at our church. It was a busy day. The boys had a great time with Mary as usual.  So sad she'll be going back to college saturday.  Homegroup was a bunch of young families (unfortunately Colin was the oldest kid there by a few years but one of the boys was sick so hopefully he'll be there to play with Colin next week) We all had a great time and I think are going to keep going. We all go eat dinner together and then the kids all play together while we have the bible study. Joel fell in love with another little baby there.  She is 9 months and he just kept scooting over to her and touching her face.  Giving her smiles. Laughing at her.  He's a big flirt already.


Today Eli and Jasper came over to play while their parents packed up to go back to Hungary. Although now they are mostly packed and that means they really will be going back soon. Colin's pirate hat was the prized item today as all three boys (and even Joel) wanted to wear it.

Eli hit hit leg on the ottoman and got a bruise.  I gave him our boo-boo bunny and look at all the boys. They were all so jealous and kept showing me their "boo boos" so they could have a turn. ha!

Its fun to hear their conversations.  Colin and Eli were in the bathroom with flashlights or Colin's constellation lights and I overheard this conversation.
C:  I want to be an astronaut when I grow up
E: Are you sure you want to be an astronaut because you might DIE.  All the energy you could burn up
C: But I have a space suit and space helmet
E: You might just want to be a regular person. I want to be with my daddy when I grow up. He has two jobs. Don't you want to be with your daddy when you grow up. You might need more practice
C: But Ant Ant has 2 jobs She works weekends. I dont want 2 jobs. I want to be an astronaut
E: But you might die
C: But astronauts go up in space and theres a space home.

haha I dont think Eli convinced Colin that it wasn't safe to go up in space since he still wants to be an astronaut. There were several more conversations like this. There was another one about TREX. Since I made them dino pb&j's there was a big discussion about trex and baby trex and how big he was.  I just stayed in the kitchen laughing while they were having this very serious conversation!  I just kept laughing overhearing them.  We went outside for maybe an hour and half after lunch and the boys had a great time running around. Its been so cold that Colin hasn't been outside much. I'm glad its getting warmer but I wish the snow they predicted for tomorrow was still going to be here. It was fun having the boys together all morning. And I'm glad I could help out.  I hope Eli and Jasper had fun too.  Although I got a glimpse into how much boys can eat.   between 11 &1 they ate 3 bags of popcorn, 4 pb&j sandwiches, 1 huge plate of french fries, and 5 chocolate chip cookies. And Joel joined in the fun and ate almost two handfuls of puffs.  Just wait until they become teenagers. Thanks Julie &Zach for sharing your boys with us for the morning.


sarah said...

that conversation is too funny!

Sarah said...

I'm glad that I made it into that conversation!