Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Take me out to the ball game

Monday afternoon I got a call from Brent saying that they were giving away free Tides tickets the next hour at a 7-11 near our house. So after we finished eating lunch we rushed over there only to find out it was at a different 7-11 (on the same street just a little ways down) but by the time we get over there the ticket woman had just left. Colin was so disappointed and in a small quivering voice said "me want to go to baseball game tonight" and his lower lip started to tremble and tears welled up. A man who works for ESPN radio was there and saw Colin's disappointment, gave me his card and said to call him later to see if he could get us some tickets. Well he came through and got us free tickets so we all went on a beautiful Monday night to watch some baseball. Colin kept giving the players a thumbs up. Now when we pass a 7-11 (which is about every 5 minutes in virginia beach) Colin keeps asking if the ticket man is there to give us baseball tickets.

1 comment:

Julie said...

that is so cool, I remember going to tide's baseball games. I wish I could take the boys... maybe one day!