Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A friend of mine told me about this great deal one of the movie theaters is having where they show kids movies tues and wed for free. (perfect esp for a little boy who might not sit through the whole thing) So Wednesday Colin and I attempted to go "watch the real big tv" as I told him. Two hours in an air conditioned theater, comfy seat and colin entertained sounded perfect to me. Unfortunately I didn't look at exactly which theater we were going to and went to the one in the mall - not the correct one across from the mall. So we missed it but colin wanted to stay and play on the arcade games at the mall. He had a great time playing on them until a little boy came up and put money in them. Then it wasn't as fun and mommy only had enough quarters for 1 ride. Even though he had more fun playing on it when it wasn't moving. since we've been home he's been taking all the change in the house and putting it in his cash register for next time. Smart kid! here he is talking to "puma" the dog he named on top of the hot dog truck
Last night Colin and I went to his big brother class at the hospital. (still couldn't register then - i have to fax the info in apparently) But Colin learned all about babies, diapered a baby doll and then we took a tour of the hospital. There was a baby in the nursery that all the kids oooed and ahhhed over from the window. It was really cute. At the end while all the pregnant moms are in the restroom taking their toddlers to the bathroom, Colin entertained EVERYONE with "mommy you're hinney is big! why you hinney so big mommy?" As if I don't feel big enough already. Good thing I laughed all the way to the car instead of cry.

Since the class Colin has taken his big brother role very serious. By feeding me (really for the baby) and making sure the baby shares his milk. He also wanted to protect his friend RJ at the playground today by making sure he didn't fall off the slide and helped him in the tunnel. Only he went too fast down the slide and made RJ do a face plant on the slide. Poor RJ. He was a good sport about it. Here are the boys playing on the playground together.

Colin and I are getting ready to do some projects at what he calls his project table but notice the blue bug box on the table. he got it for his birthday since his other bug house is currently now the 'worm house' Well he filled it with anything but bugs in the beginning until the other day when he came up to me, lifted his shirt, and showed me a SLUG squirming on his tummy! See my new friend mommy? he said and then went and put it in his bug house. I looked more closely and there were a few slugs and a snail in there as well. I need to keep a better eye on this thing. They are gone for now but who knows whats in it next. He refuses to keep it outside but if another bug gets in it its going in the garage!


Julie said...

that is all so funny. The movie thing is great, but usually SO CROWDED. I experienced that when I was back in the states for Jasper's birth... it is really insane with pushy mom's trying to get their kids in there.

That is super smart about collecting coins... so cute. He is going to be a great big brother!

Wow, you are brave with those insects... yuck!

Sarah said...

why do you think I got him an ant farm? the ants do not get in and out of the ant farm!!

tifi*cha cha* said...

lol...that is great about your hinney!

Nystral Djo said...

that's hysterical about your hiney. haha - out of the mouths of babes. and how cool that you had a big brother class at the hospital!