Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 10

November 10th has been a date on the calendar for months. It was when I was going to run a half marathon.  Its always been a goal for me so after I had Norah got the doctors go ahead to start running, I ran.  And ran.  Some how it was easy for me to just jump back into running this time.  Not without some aches or pains or a heating pad some nights :)  I actually didnt sign up until August though (wanted to make sure I could train) but in August I was running 6-7 miles a few times a week so I finally stopped talking about it and signed up.

Two very dear friends also signed up, along with my sister, so Clemma and Bethany and I would meet on the weekends to do our long runs. I can't even begin to tell how much I looked forward to these runs.  I think we went from 4 miles the first week  up to 11 miles and then back down to 8 before the race began. It was such an encouragment almost every weekend. And really fun to run and talk for 2 hours.  Well sometimes the running part wasn't so fun on the long runs but we kept each other going. I really really looked forward to these runs each week.  I hope we can continue to meet each week to run. Maybe not as far :)

Thinking about the race I always worried about if it was going to be really cold, or raining - since thats no fun.  Never did I think that the week before I would come down with some awful flu virus.  I spent 1 day entirely in bed and the rest of the days barely making it.  My fever broke Thursday night so Friday we packed up to head to Richmond for the race.

We got a late start friday - the mechanic kept ordering the wrong part for the car.  Finally we get on the road, get to my sisters, drop off Brent and the kids, head to the expo to pick up our race packets and then when we get back realize Norah is running a really high fever.  Norah is up all night coughing.  And coughing.  Her fever was still really high after tylenol and she was rasping and had a hard time breathing. From about 4am on I just sat in a chair and held her.  Thankfully she went into a peaceful sleep.  I had a hard time figuring out if I was still going to race or not.  I didnt want to leave Norah but if she had gotten worse we were taking her to the ER and what mother is out running a race while her baby is headed to the ER.  Mother of the year right there.  Thankfully Brent texted that she was happy and crawling around right before the race. So I felt a little better. And she has gotten better over the weekend.  Poor thing. 
Race starts.  Oh my goodness. Might not have been the smartest thing to run a half marathon while getting over the flu.  I hadn't eaten all week and probably my sinus medication plus the immodium I took for the race was not a good combination in my stomach.  But I have to say it was fun running with Clemma, Sarah and Bethany.  It makes it go by so much faster than running by yourself.  And it was SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY!  It really doesnt get much better to run.  And even while feeling sick it was a fun run with some great friends.  I would do it again. 

Brent was at a park halfway to watch us run by.  There was a playground right there and they stayed for hours.  The funny thing is that they were right next to the water/powerade station and Brent said that Colin thought it was great they were handing out free gatorade all morning. I guess he kept going up to get more :) 
We finished.  But I lost my voice, and came down with a horrible sinus infection hours after the race.  I have to say I haven't been this sick in a long time. But I have my medal and am very proud of us. We ran the whole thing.  I can't wait to do another one. Next time my goal is to be much faster.  I'm actually not very sore today...Sarah is...maybe that means I'm in better shape than her?  ha!
*** actually this is now monday morning and I'm definitely feeling the run. guess it just took a few days for my body to complain ***
Bethany made us shirts. They all had something different on the back.  Clemma got a lot of comments on hers saying preggers. 

And just have to say my running group today was amazing.

Sarah - only ran 1 long run this whole time, barely did any short runs, and hiked a mountain the day before.  Still ran and stayed with us and encouraged us when I know she was itching to just get out there and run fast.  She does 8 minute miles, we were doing 11 minute miles. But she stayed the whole time and we all crossed the finish line together.  Clemma - became pregnant while training. Ran today while 9 weeks pregnant.  Amazing.  At one point I wasnt sure I could keep up with her for the race.  She was booking it.  Bethany - hurt her ankle a few weeks ago and still icing it every night, and had the worst case of poison ivy I've seen in a while.  But she ran and had a smile on the whole time. 

Thanks Ladies for making it a fun, memorable experience.  Couldnt have done it without you. 

Thanks Molly, Shawn, and Henry for coming to cheer us on.

And thanks to Brent and the kids for letting me get my runs in each week so I could do this today.  Funny story.  After an 11 mile training run Brent comes in from working in his garden outside and asked if I wouldnt mind cutting the grass since he was a litle tired from pulling weeds....really?  I just looked at him and he said "so you'll do it?"  I did cut the grass for him so the kids could go play outside but I haven't let him forget it.  Although now looking back its probably not a surprise I'm not really very sore.  Brent was good at letting me go on long runs but once I was done and walked through that door I was back on Mommy duty according to the kids.  Didnt ever have a chance to just rest.  I'm well overdue for a rest I think. 
And I'm pretty sure Sarah is disinfecting her place the minute we leave.

1 comment:

Jess Poe said...

Great job! I walked out to Boulevard to watch and was hoping I'd see someone I know walk by. dog kept trying to run after the runners so I had to take her back haha.