Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Friday, February 10, 2012


 Joel is in the process of dropping his nap.  Sometimes he will go right down - other times he will fall asleep around 4ish and most days wont even take one.  Today he fell asleep in the car at 10:30 running errands with me.  So its anyones guess when he'll fall asleep now. Part of the problem is he's so excited to play with Bubba when he gets home from school that by the time we do start nap time it'll mean he'll be up really late. And since the boys are sharing a room and Colin goes to bed early -I would love to get Joel to go to bed at the same time.  So I'm not pushing nap time around here.
 The other day he fell asleep on the couch around 4:30.  We tend to stay in our pj's all day around here.
So cute 

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