Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gotta pee

 It seems that the toilet paper is always worth trying when you are going potty.  If its good for you bum - it must be good for your mouth too. At least for Joel.  He still has only peed once but he keeps trying.  I'm still not sure he's really ready but we will keep trying whenever he says "gotta pee."
LOVE those skinny little legs :) 


Uncle Jeff said...

He needs a stool to stand on

Brent and Abigail said...

we've tried the stool. he just doesn't know how to aim yet -or really what he is supposed to do when he gets to the potty. so I'm trying to teach him like we did Colin - sitting down first. that way I'm not cleaning pee off the floor every time he goes. we'll see how it goes.

Uncle Jeff said...

put some targets (cheerios, plastic ships, etc.) in the toilet for Joel to practice aiming. It will be a game and he'll probably spend half the day in there doing target practice!!