Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

A beautiful day

Today we spent a few hours at a fun park with some great friends.  It was a beautiful day and the kids rode bikes, scooters and ran around.  Joel did great on his bike and stayed on for most of the morning. And then he tried out Adah's bike and also loved Noah's scooter.

And at one point I looked and caught this :)  I'm so glad I got the picture.  he'll kill me when he's older but I just love it.  I told him when he finished that I thought the lake looked a lot higher and he just beamed.  Such a boy.


Sarah said...

HAHAAHAAH!! Great picture. Such a boy!

k.oldt said...

haha love it, is joel really pedaling already??

Uncle Jeff said...

That is so AWESOME!