Today Brent was home from work and the deal was if he slept in this morning I would get a long afternoon nap. Sounds pretty good right? well Brent got to sleep in. So this afternoon I got my turn. For about 15 minutes. Right when I was in a deep sleep Colin barged into my room. "Mommy you said you would just take a short nap and this is a long one." So Brent got the kids out of the room and shut the door. Then for the next 10 minutes I heard Colin whispering to Joel in the hallway. The conversation went as follows:
C: Joel, you distract daddy and I'll go get mommy.
I'm assuming Joel didnt understand because then Colin said
C: Joel, do you want Momma? Momma? You go distract dadda and I'll get momma.
J: Must have run to see dadda but then came running back (this went on a few times)
C: Ok heres the plan. Joel you open the door and I'll go distract Dadda.
J: nothing
C: Momma? Momma? wanna play with momma? You open the door and I'll distract Dadda.
J: Can't open the door since he is a few inches too short
C: see you put your hand on the shinny thing and go get momma. I'll go distract dadda
J: I guess tried to open the door and couldn't
C: ok I'll open the door and you go get momma while I distract dadda
C:opens the door and runs down the hall i'm assuming to distract dadda
J: Comes running into the room and pulls himself up on the bed and covers me with slobbery kisses.
My nap didnt happen. and i'm not sure where Brent was during all this. Next time I'll sleep late in the morning and Brent can nap in the afternoon.
haahaa tooo cute! of couse you should have known that Brent is so very easily distracted and so you taking a nap was never going to happen!
that is awesome! Not for you, sadly... but those precious boys!
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