Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Monument Ave 10K

Two years ago I ran the Monument 10K.  You can read about it here.  But since then I haven't even come close to running that much.  In fact once I got pregnant I was so sick that I didn't even go on walks for several months. Then after having Joel and breaking my tailbone it hurt too much to run to want to do it consistently.  But around Christmas time my tailbone was feeling better and wouldn't hurt after I ran.  So my sisters talked me into signing up for the monument 10K.  I figured it was good motivation to get back into shape and lose the last of the pregnancy weight I had to lose.  Julie was a HUGE encouragement to me the past 3 months (thank you Julie!!!!!!!) And I fell in love with running again. And have been running about 4 times a week the past 3 months.  Sometimes alone but a lot of times pushing 60lbs in the double jogging stroller.  Those days I consider everything I ran counts double, for example a 2 mile run =4 miles pushing the boys :)  I have been running about 3 miles pretty consistently and ran 4 miles a few times so I was in better shape but was a little nervous about doing 6.2 miles today.  This morning I woke up early and drove to Richmond to meet my sisters to run the race.  This year there was 37,300 people running it.  Mary is the fastest of us and Sarah's goal was to beat Mary.  My goal was to finish in under an hour and not walk.  And I haven't gotten the official times yet but I think I finished in 57 minutes.  The last mile was rough but I did it and am pretty proud of myself.  Sarah and Mary took off and we met at the end. And I think Mary beat Sarah.   Its a fun race and had fun spending the morning with my sisters.  I love my sisters.  It was a relaxing morning in a way for me to have so much time in the car by myself listening to my music and not having to worry about the kids.  Although next year I plan on being in better shape and beating BOTH Mary and Sarah!
 While I was at the race, Brent was in meetings all day for work and my mom was watching the boys.  Colin had his first soccer game and Uncle Opie and Aunt Angela came to watch. (they are here for a few weeks before they move to Japan)  When I walked into the door this afternoon, Joel waved at me :)  and Colin met me in the bathroom. At first I thought it was sweet that he missed me so much he had to join me but he immediately whispered this conversation

C: "Ma-ma-maa forgot my soccer ball and water bottle" (the soccer ball was in her car)
Me: oh thats ok. How was the game?
C: "Ma-ma-maa went to the wrong place!There was no game.  My team wasn't there. Me not played soccer today."

He whispered the whole thing and then left.  hahaha So after coming out and getting my mom to clarify, they did make it to the right field and found his team. Only it wasn't where he had practice so he was convinced it was wrong.  And even though his coach came over he refused to believe it was his team and didn't play. He told me later that he'll play when mommy and daddy are there. And they have only had 1 practice so he was very confused.  So we'll see how the rest of the games go.  He is very excited for practice on Monday at the RIGHT field :) My boy who thrives on routines...He didn't seem bothered by the fact that he didn't play and even refused the fruit roll-up and juice box they got at the end.  I think my Mom, James and Angela had a good time watching the kids play. They will have to come to a game later in the season to watch Colin actually play (maybe) Thanks mom and James for hanging out with the boys the entire day.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I just realized I never commented on this, I am so lame... I think I did on facebook, didn't I? I am so proud of you!!!! You are such a rock star and love that you finished in the time you wanted. So funny about Colin...what a funny little least you didn't miss his first game :)