Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Sunday, March 23, 2008

helicopter easter egg drop!

Happy Easter! Christ is Risen! We just got back from church and an amazing easter egg drop. Thats right. A helicopter easter egg drop. Our church likes to think outside the box and what better way to draw a crowd than to drop easter eggs from a helicopter. There were 20,000 easter eggs and it seemed like there were 20,000 people there. (probably not that many but it sure seemed like it. It was very exciting to see so many people at church) Colin loved the helicopter at first but then got scared when they told everyone to go get the eggs - thats when the chaos started. They had designated areas for each age group but some people didn't know that I'm sure or there are some VERY BIG 2 year olds :) Colin picked a few eggs and put them in his basket and then we tried to go find more and get to the big piles of eggs but couldn't get around people as most people in his age group (birth to 2) were taking pictures and trying to get their kids to pick up eggs (and the VERY BIG 2 year olds were going crazy and running everywhere). SO we left the egg hunt and went to look at our eggs. The eggs were more interesting when Colin discovered candy inside them and as we were stuck in the parking garage for a while we sat on the grass and enjoyed our candy. He is now sleeping - amazing since he ate a lot of sugar this morning and when he wakes up we are off to my grandparents for some yummy easter dinner.

Our pastor gave an illustration of giving up our firstborn for someone else and I know I couldn't let Colin die in someone's place. It puts a whole new perspective for us when we look at our little boy. Thank you Lord for loving us that much. Happy Easter!


Anonymous said...

A helicopter egg drop! Are you kidding me? What kind of church do you go to? I don't think our church could afford a pigeon drop. But there was lots of candy in the eggs. I think Hannah ended up with more than on Halloween!

Beth said...

Great post! I would've loved that Easter Egg Hunt... sooooo fun :)