Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Sunday, March 30, 2008

1st haircut

Today I gave Brent a haircut and against my protests, my mom and brent talked me into cutting off Colin's baby curls as well. They were getting long and most of the time stuck out but the back of his hair would curl up so nice. I called them curls - brent called it his rat-tail or mullet. In his before picture brent made the curls stick out a little more than they normally did! I have loved his little curls all year and now they are gone!!!! (well not really gone - i kept his curls for his scrapbook - he might not appreciate it but I will) It only took a few snips and as you can see it wasn't too exciting for Colin as he ditched the cookie I gave him and clung to my mom. He now looks like such a little boy with his hair cut. But at least brent can't tease him about being a girl anymore.


Anonymous said...

I seriously considered being an awful sister and cutting off his little mullet when I babysat him, but them I figured you would never forgive me, so I voted against it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Angela you should have because that was what Ungle Jeff did to me, as the story is told.
Abigail keeping the hair is gross.