Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Friday, March 28, 2008

egg soup anyone?

What do you do with the plastic easter eggs now that the candy has been eaten and easter is over? Make egg soup of course! Colin has been pretending to make egg soup the past few days. At first all the eggs went into his dump truck and then he would make his truck noises and then dump them out - then he decided to become a chef and make egg soup with them and feed the whole family. He was stirring the eggs into his little toy cups but then I got a mixing bowl down and a spatula and he had a great time one morning making me huge pots of soup and then feeding me the soup. It was YUMMY every time. Everyone should try it. Haha Well one afternoon I was on the computer and Colin went to get his eggs (from the other room) and make some soup for me. (he goes slurp slurp slurp when he wants to do this game) Well the phone rang and it was my sister Mary so I went to go answer it. In that SHORT time span Colin had taken his mixing bowl with the plastic eggs in them, dragged a chair from the kitchen over to the stove, climbed the chair, put the mixing bowl on the burner and was reaching to the knobs trying to turn on the stove!!!!!! I guess he thought if the soup tasted that good cold, imagine what it would taste like hot. Good thing I caught him. Nothing gets by him and he does help make dinner a lot. And he did watch the food network with Brent the night before. But scary!

Who Me?

Notice the new boots. We had to retire his old boots as they have cracked and defeat the purpose of running through puddles when it rains. But he LOVES his boots and wears them when its not raining. I think because he can put them on himself. So we had to get new ones. But his new boots are giraffes and the bottoms are their faces and Colin has pretended to feed his giraffe boots. So cute!


Anonymous said...

Aunt Sarah really wants to take you to the Richmond Zoo where you can FEED real Giraffs!!!! You would love it!!!

Emma Joersz said...

yikes! cole touched a semi-hot pan on the stove this week. it was just heating up, and i said hot hot really loud and scared him. so i don't know if he cried b/c the hot hurt him or the scream scared him...i don't think he'll do it again though! Colin's looking so cute! maybe we can get together sometime this summer. Sarah, can we come to the richmond zoo and feed giraffes too? :)

Anonymous said...

What is it with toddlers and rain boots?? Morgann has doggy ones and wears them everyday!

Colin is getting so handsome. We'll be in VA in July - at VT actually....for a LLL conference, but its only 2 would be cool to have a kid reunion:-)


Anonymous said...

Sorry, its Abbey, not Abbet:-D

Anonymous said...

I dont have kids but love them... I want in on the kid reunion!!