Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Norah got a stuffed dog for christmas one year from my grandma that you wind up and play music.  She loves this dog and takes it everywhere.  I accidentally sucked up the tail in the vacuum once but Norah doesn't care.  She loves this dog.  The music part has been broken for a long time but Norah still loves loves loves this dog.  She has a few other dogs that she takes places but nothing like this one.

So one day this week we took Dog to target with us (she doesn't name her stuffed animals yet.... although a baby doll has recently been named Baby Jesus and its really funny when she looks all over the house for Jesus)

Halfway through shopping Norah had to pee so of course we had to walk all the way to the other side of the store to use the bathroom.  I took Dog out of the cart and shoved it in my purse.  Then we went on shopping and got to the checkout and I reached into my purse to get my wallet and found baby doggie but not big Dog (she had a baby dog too)  At some point Dog must have fallen out.

So we pay and then retrace our steps.  For over an hour.  We asked every employee, every person we saw, back and forth and even searched the isles of stuffed animals.  Didn't find Dog.  Finally we had to leave and gave them our phone number in case they found dog.

No phone call.  Brent called the next day and nothing.  We were sure Dog was lost forever.

Norah was convinced Dog was playing hide and seek all over the store.

Then today after Colins christmas party at school he and I went to Target.  Just to see.  And customer service knew who I was before I finished explaining.  (We've been calling) No Dog.

So Colin and I walked all over the store and checked shelves and finally on our way out we find Dog. Part of me wonders at the person who put Dog on this shelf with all the other new stuffed animals.... then this ratty well loved dog next to it without a tag and part of a tail.

We called Brent and when he told Norah he said she was so happy she was teary eyed.

Dog hasnt left her side since.

Our own personal Christmas Miracle.

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