Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Birthday - round 1

Colin how old are you now?


Yes he thinks he's 8 and will get very frustrated and upset when you tell him he's now three. He does know how to count to five but he likes saying 8 and so he's 8. We'll work on that later but for now let him think he's 8.

He had a wonderful birthday. Lots of family members called to sing him happy birthday and at one point he asked me "mommy why they sing hupppy birfffday to me?" "Why is it me birffday?" Who made it me birfffday?" "Why today?" he really wanted to know and what finally satisfied him was that it was the day he made a hole and came out of my tummy like his baby brother will. But he is still skeptical. But he did enjoy all the birthday things we had planned for him. He also thought santa brought presents since Santa brings presents on Jesus' birthday. And we probably confused him by only having christmas wrapping paper in the house to wrap his presents. Oh well . Makes sense to me!Colin and I went to the Zoo in the morning with Jamie and Benjamin. Colin loved having Benjamin there and last night told Brent everything that Benjamin liked at the zoo. AND the rooster they have at the petting zoo cockadoodle dooed THREE times while Colin was there. He calls roosters Joey since he wants one (he got a stuffed one for his birthday which has satisfied him for now) but that was the highlight for him. In fact he cried the whole way home "Me go back and hear Joey cockadoodle doo ONE MORE TIME" Forget the exotic animals - he loves the rooster.Then because it was raining Brent got to come home early so he was there when Colin woke up from his nap and we had balloons and let him open his presents before making his favorite - spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. He LOVED that part :) Each time he opened a present he said "me really really wanted it" haha even if he didn't know what it was at first. We did get him one of those stuffed turtles that project the stars on the ceiling and last night he didn't have to sleep with the light on and had no trouble falling alseep. Just what we wanted. But after cake (I made him an icecream cake) we went and used his new fishing pole at the lake near our house. Nevermind that it was raining - since he also got an umbrella for his birthday he thought the rest of us should go too :)Round Two of Colin's birthday is Saturday after my sister-in-laws graduation and before her celebration party. It will be a busy day but Colin is very excited for his party day as we've been calling it. And we're excited to have the whole family in for even just a brief time.


Sarah said...

Dude - socks with sandals?

Brent and Abigail said...

What is more important in life... keeping your feet warm and cozy, or being in style?

sarah said...

it's not subzero temp where you need socks to prevent frostbite. lose the socks brent.