Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

colin stories

So pictures will come and more updates on the house. We just bought our couch today which will come friday and then pretty much we're living out of boxes still. Poor colin loves order and everything in its place so its driving him crazy but each day we get a little more settled. We have met most of the people on our street and aparently Ed the guy who met us first has told everyone about us, where we're from, what we do... etc. pretty much going door to door telling people what he knows about the new neighbors. Its interesting living on a street where most people have been there for at least 30 years and seem to have taken it upon themselves to watch over us "young folk". There is a couple next door who just moved in a year ago and they are our age so thats been fun. It is feeling a little more like home only Colin still corrects me about going "to the house" not home. He used to cry in the mornings asking me to take him home - with bapa and ma-ma and nana but that has stopped this week.

Colin has been doing some really funny things lately. First he goes around telling me "dada mess" since Brent went up in the attic and fell through the ceiling. Good thing he was ok and it was over the garage. But it did make a huge mess. He also has a few new words he likes to use. "next" is one. He learned that at the pool since he was "next" to go up the ladder. Since then his trucks are next, the man (his little lego people) are next to drive the truck. Dada is next to play. This particular game was to run and jump on some pillows after dinner. Only dada was always Next. so brent had to keep running and jumping on the pillows with a full stomach. Poor dada! colin thought it was the best game ever. He also likes the word "nice". we cut the grass and he told me "mama - nice" while pointing to the freshly mowed lawn. He was also praying last night at bedtime (he LOVES to pray over his meals which means only he and GOd know what he's saying. It is not uncommon to have him pray and tell us "people" to close our eyes and let him pray several times during the meal) but last night he wanted to pray at bedtime. So he prays for at least a good 5 minutes. Its mostly babbling but i could make out "house". 'ba-pache" (his name for trucks) and then all of a sudden he prays for "foot - NICE" he thanked God for nice feet. haha! I have also discovered how to make him use the potty - FROZEN dark chocolate peanut m&m's. He didnt want to go for about a month now but since we moved its a new novelty I guess. But everytime the freezer is open he runs to the potty so he can get his two (Doo as he says) m&M's. We'll see if this time it works. There are more funny stories but for now we are off to bed. But before we do we'll make sure to thank God for our nice feet!


Beth said...

I love these stories. We miss you guys a lot!

Anonymous said...

Seems like Ed has a little Howard in him. Does seem a little like Marlbank. Dark Chocalate M&M's are my favorite.