Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

house not home

Well we are all moved in - although I think it will take us a long time to unpack. Colin loves his room and spends a lot of time playing in it. When people came last night to help unload the truck he yelled "everybody - room" and ran back to show them HIS room. it was really cute. Its slightly bigger than our room (and yes Brent measured!) Perfect for a little boy to run around. It was a busy weekend. On Saturday my mom, Sarah, Colin and I came down and painted the kitchen and Colin's bedroom. Colin was a great help as he painted both my legs blue and for some reason it hasn't scrubbed off very well as I still have blue paint on my legs 4 days later. And then on Sunday my parents, Mary, Brent and I brought most of our stuff from my parents house and then got our beds, table and couch out of storage. What a huge help. And poor Mary got into an accident on the bridge/tunnel on the way home. So scary but at least she was ok only her truck is totaled. Sorry mary! Then some friends helped us get the rest of our stuff last night (and most of it is in the garage right now) Colin started having nightmares around Thursday night and then every night and nap time until we moved in on Sunday. But since we moved in and started sleeping here those have stopped thankfully. Poor guy is so confused. He keeps asking me when are we going to go home. This is our house - not our home. Our home is with grandma and grandpa he keeps saying. He has also told me every time we eat where everyone in the family is going to sit around our table. Its definitely a lot different with just the three of us now. Colin misses everyone - especially after his nap when he and I used to start waiting for everyone to come home. Colin would wait for my dad to come home and then play a chasing/teasing game over his blankie. And then my mom would come home and then Brent. Now its just Brent! But it is nice having Brent home more in the mornings and evenings now that he doesn't have to do that long drive. We are enjoying our house. The neighborhood is great and fun to walk around. Colin and I walked to the lake and two different playgrounds yesterday and then went to the pool. We have had numerous neighbors stop to introduce themselves and tell us about the neighborhood. We've even gotten a plate of homemade cookies. It took us two years in west Virginia to meet most of our neighbors. I think most of the street was washing cars this weekend or doing yard work to get a look at the new neighbors. We will post pictures soon once we get our camera working (I've dropped it too many times) and also once we get some of the boxes out of the way :)


Anonymous said...

Give us a call when you are ready for the drum set to be delivered.

Debbie & Rod

Anonymous said...

and the Kitchen and horse.

Glad you have moved in and the house looks real nice - somewhat familiar look. So will Colin's blanket become the new "mine"?

Anonymous said...

It does look a little like yorkview road.

Colin is going to LOVE the drums, kitchen and horse!

Anonymous said...

More pictures!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

update the blog so a lonely sailor can see your new home!