Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, January 14, 2016


One day last week I walked Joel to the bus stop and it was lightly snowing. 20 minutes later Colin got on the bus and it was coming down pretty strong.  Norah woke up and was glued to the window for a long time.  
We went outside in the snow to play in the snow for most of the morning.  She was amazed at her footprints in the snow and really wanted to be able to build a snowman. 
She's been asking for more snow ever since.  And considering Chesapeake just changed a half day off to a full day off (reasoning behind it is that we haven't used any snow days yet... but means we will get a good snow in February and will have to make up this new day off - don't need a weather man to predict that) We really just want a lot of two hour delays called the night before so we don't have to wake up so early.  

Colins teacher took the kids outside to play in the snow and then sent us all pictures.  I loved that.  Especially if this is the only snow we get all year at least Colin got to have some fun playing in it.  

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