Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Basketball and Ant Ant

Friday the kids had a half day and when they got home I told them we were expecting a delivery at some point that night.  I order off amazon prime all the time so they were wondering what it was but didn't expect Ant Ant at the door.  Their excitement was worth it.  Thanks Ant Ant.  I'm not sure who was more excited - them or me since Brent's been out of town all week.  Its been the longest he's been away for a long time so we were all very very glad to see Ant Ant for the weekend.  Brent is at a dent conference in florida and gets home tonight but its funny to hear the kids today at basketball (since Coach Brent couldn't be there) Joel and Norah kept telling everyone that Daddy was in Florida at a hotel with a big pool since that's what he facetimed them.  I'm pretty sure they think Daddy has been at that pool all week.   
 Saturdays now are spent all morning at basketball games.  Colin is loving it and is getting really really good.  Its so fun to watch him out on the court.  He lives and breathes basketball and dreams of being a point guard. 

 Joel could take it or leave it at this point and only time will tell.  Brents coaching both boys this year.  Thursdays Brent and the boys have basketball practice and then they go out to dinner.  Norah and I have a girls night (which is funny that she thinks its different since every day with her is a girls day but we eat dinner in front of the tv and then watch girl movies together) 

 Joel not too serious when he's playing and sometimes you wonder what he's thinking.  But after I downloaded these pictures they reminded me of some of the pictures of Joel during the swim meets and there he was the least focused of all the kids and it worked in his favor.  The other 5 and 6 year olds were worried about dives and split times in relays and their strokes and Joel would just play behind the block and then dive in and win his event.  So whenever he gets serious about a sport he could be unstoppable. 
 Joels  age group has only two teams and they play each other every week.  Its fun to see both teams get better each week and they are so cute to watch. 

"I don't want the ball - pass it to him" hahaha

This is my favorite.  ALL the other kids were into the game and listening to the referee and coaches and then theres Joel.....
Colin is really fun to watch.  When he's on the sideline he's always cheering his teammates on.  And then when he's playing he's really into the game.  He passes when he sees someone open, gets the rebounds, blocks his player, and takes every open chance to shoot a basket. I love watching his fast breakaways. 

And then by the end of Colin's game after a full morning at basketball there's Joel.... haha

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