Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Second Grade

Second grade is going amazing for Colin.  He is excited to go every day and doesnt usually complain about his homework. There was a day a few weeks ago where Joel had been throwing up and I told Colin he could stay home too since I didnt want him to get sick in the middle of school and he cried and begged to GO to school.  Thanfully he didnt get the stomach bug but it also showed me how much he loves school.

I had a conference with his teacher yesterday and I just love her.  I want to sit in her class each day.  She clearly loves Colin (always a great thing) but she told me the funniest story about Colin.  He had been sitting at his desk and tying his shoes and I guess had tied them together and then tried to untie them and got them even more knotted up and the knots were so tight that there wasn't any way to undo them.  The teacher tried but couldnt get them out.  After a while they gave up and Colin shuffled shuffled shuffled to the bathroom for bathroom break.  Shuffled shuffled shuffled to the cafeteria for lunch.  Shuffled shuffled shuffled to the library - and the best part about this is that he was line leader for that day! ha!  So the whole class shuffled along with him.  She finally had enough and Colin was getting really embarrassed so she told him to take off his shoes and she worked for a long time with some tool picking out the knots and finally got them done before he had to shuffle himself to PE.  He mentioned something about tying his shoe laces together but I should've pressed for more information.

But other than that he's doing great - just needs help with his handwriting which is always hard for him.  He's doing great with every other subject and scoring high on his reading tests.  And of course he takes after his mom and loves math and does great with that. 

One thing is he is getting really picky about his clothes.  He always has to tuck his shirt in really tight and has a few shirts he rotates.  He likes to look "sharp" and some mornings picking clothes to wear is hard and frustrating.  So right now I have Norah who only wants to wear a dog shirt and Colin who has to wear a certain shirt. Joel is the only one who doesnt care what he wears and just puts on what I give him.  Thats one area Joel is the easiest out of everyone!

But second grade is going so much better than I hoped.  I am praying the rest of the year goes just as well for Colin.

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