Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Monday, November 10, 2008

where does the time go?

Our little man is now 2 and a half. Its so crazy how fast they grow. For Colin's first year, I would write down different things he had learned, and fun things he did (i.e. favorite foods, different sounds he made, etc) just to remember him at each stage in his life. So here are some fun things about Colin at age 2 and a half

He LOVES to say "hip hip hurray"
He'll go around saying "right.... alright"
He likes to say "wow - cool"
"ME" is a fav word. For everything. Me room, ME Bed, Me cup, etc a typical 2 year old

He learned to say "colin" and will repeat it all the time. Poor guy would try to tell his name to kids on the playground and they always asked him what his name was and his mumble jumble of a name wouldn't make sense to them and some of them would walk away. He would get so hurt so he is extremely proud to say his name now. He will introduce himself to all his lego men :) over and over.

If you will explain something or explain something for him to do he'll usually follow it. Usually.

He likes to play on his own now and will tell me to "watch". It has opened up a new world for me but also a little sad as he's growing up. But still great none the less

He runs. FAST. I mean REALLY FAST. I took him running with me the other day around the block. I had a hard time keeping up with him. Brent got a really cute video of it. Colin was so proud and excited to be asked to go run with me. I need to do it more often.

He is learning to count and if he sees the numbers he can count to ten. but mostly its "one, two, tee, five, eight, ten, four..." But the concept is still hard for him because anything more than one he will call two.

He likes to stick rocks in his pockets and I need to do better about checking his pockets as the last few washes I've found rocks in the bottom of the washer. He calls pockets his "pa-pack" and gets really disappointed if he wears pants without pockets

When he flushes after going potty he always waves and tells the toilet "bye bye pee-pee" Makes me laugh everytime.

He will ask to "nuggle" or snuggle with me at night.

Green is his favorite color.

And he says "duvvv ewwww" which means Love you! My favorite.

1 comment:

Julie said...

how is so great to have these things written down so that you can remember them later!